Wellness Exams & Full service Lab
We believe that all pets need regular examinations. It is really important for your pet’s overall health because it allows veterinarians to do a thorough check up and evaluate your pet’s general condition. Because we do integrative medicine we completely evaluate your pet – including lifestyle, diet and environmental aspects.
During the examination, our doctors will check your pet from head to tail. We will recommend annual blood tests, urine and fecal testing to give us an accurate assessment of your pet’s vital organs and how they are functioning.
Pets age much faster then we do. A common adage is that pets age 7 years for every 1 year we age. That means that in 1 year your pet may have experienced changes that we would in 7 years. That is a reason to make sure your pet comes in for yearly checkups and labwork.
We recently have caught several pets who developed silent heart disease since their last visit. We were able to recommend diagnostics and supplements to help these pets live longer and prevent their heart disease from worsening. If their owners did not bring them in for their yearly checkups these pets may have only come in once their disease was to serious to treat.
To schedule your pet’s exam and health evaluation give us a call or click on our make an appointment link.
Vaccines & Titer Testing
We have many people asking us about Jean Dodd’s Vaccine Protocols & Dr. Robb’s Protect the Pet protocols for their pet. They want to know if vaccines are safe and how to minimize the vaccines that their pet gets. Many puppy breeders also recommend and adhere to these vaccine protocols. At Williston Park Animal Hospital we are fans of Jean Dodd’s & Dr. Rob’s Vaccine Protocols and giving your puppy or kitten the minimum number of vaccines, the lowest dosage and the safest vaccine, as long as it is acceptable for their exposure and risk level. But, first of all you may be wondering – Who is Jean Dodds? Who is Dr. Robb?
The Jean Dodds Protocol
Dr. Jean Dodds is considered to be one of the foremost experts in pet healthcare and is founder of hemopet.org. Her expertise focuses on pet vaccinations, nutrition and thyroid health. Her vaccine protocols recommend minimum vaccines for puppies and kittens based on their risk.
Risk factors include contact with other pets such as in a grooming facility, in a pet store, in a training class, being boarded, or even in your own living situation where your pet could potentially be exposed to kennel cough (bordatella) or influenza.
Other risk factors also include exposure, which means taking your pet to a park , hiking or in any areas where there is wildlife – including raccoons, opossums, rodents and deer present, which would increase your pet’s risk for contracting lyme disease or leptospirosis. If your pet is not exposed to any of these situations it means less vaccines for your pet.
We will discuss your pet’s risks and exposure level with you to assess their risk level. If your pet is not at risk we recommend giving the core vaccines only, which is the basis of Jean Dodd’s vaccine protocol.
What is Jean Dodd’s Vaccine Protocol?
Listed below is Jean Dodd’s Vaccine Protocol as detailed on her website:
2016 Vaccination Protocol for Dogs / Puppies
Note: The following vaccine protocol is offered for those dogs where minimal vaccinations are advisable or desirable. The schedule is one Dr. Dodds recommends and should not be interpreted to mean that other protocols recommended by a veterinarian would be less satisfactory. It’s a matter of professional judgment and choice.
9-10 Weeks Old:
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV (eg merck nobivac / intervet progard puppy dpv)
14-16 Weeks:
Same as above
20 Weeks or Older (if allowable by law):
Rabies (give 3-4 wks apart from other vaccine, Merial 3TF thimerosol free)
1 Year old:
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV (optional = titer)
1 Year:
Rabies, killed 3-year product (give 3-4 weeks apart from distemper/parvovirus booster, Merial 3TF thimerosol free)
Perform vaccine antibody titers for distemper and parvovirus every three years thereafter, or more often, if desired. Vaccinate for rabies virus according to the law, except where circumstances indicate that a written waiver needs to be obtained from the primary care veterinarian. In that case, a rabies antibody titer can also be performed to accompany the waiver request. See the Rabies Challenge Fundwebsite.
2013-2014 Vaccination Protocol for Kittens / Cats
Note: The following vaccine protocol is offered for those cats where minimal vaccinations are advisable or desirable. The schedule is one Dr. Dodds recommends and should not interpreted to mean that other protocols recommended by a veterinarian would be less satisfactory. It’s a matter of professional judgment and choice.
8-9 Weeks Old:
Panleukopenia (feline parvovirus), Calicivirus, Rhinopneumonitits Virus (feline herpesvirus-1)
12-13 Weeks Old:
Same as above
24 Weeks or Older (if required by law):
Rabies (e.g. Merial Purevax™, recombinant)
1 Year:
FVRCP booster (optional = titer)
1+ Year:
Rabies, same as above but separated by 2-3 weeks from FVRCP
Perform vaccine antibody titers for panleukopenia virus every three years thereafter, or more often, if desired. Vaccinate for rabies virus according to the law, except where circumstances indicate that a written waiver needs to be obtained from the primary care veterinarian. In that case, a rabies antibody titer can also be performed to accompany the waiver request. Visit Rabies Challenge Fund.
Dr. Robb Protect the Pets
Dr. Robb believes in smaller dosage for smaller pets. (if allowable by law) He also believes in rabies titers (if allowable by law)
We do rabies titers through kansas state. Unfortunately we do have to charge for the blood draw and shipping to kansas on ice which can add significantly to the cost stated on their website.
Please contact us if you are interested in these protocols
Vaccine Titers
Vaccine titers are a blood test that test to see if your pet has antibodies to protect him or her against the diseases for which they were vaccinated. It costs a little more than the vaccines, but is an option for your pet instead of receiving a vaccination. Titers are available for several vaccines, including distemper and parvo virus.
At Williston Park Animal Hospital we offer the Jean Dodd’s minimal vaccine protocol and we carry the recommended Merk Nobivac DPV vaccine as well as the Merial Imrab TF Thimerisol Free vaccines for dogs and the Merial Purevax FVRCP & Rabies vaccines for cats. We believe in a minimal vaccine protocol for our own pets and also recommend it for the best health of your pet .
If you would like to make an appointment for your pet or to learn more about the Jean Dodd’s vaccine protocols or Dr. Robb’s protect the pets & vaccine titers and how they can benefit your pet please contact us at 516-248-1489 or email us at WillistonParkAnimalHospital@hotmail.com
OFA X Rays & Thyroid Testing
Allergy Testing & Immunotherapy
Just like people, pets suffer from allergies- and the itching and scratching that goes along with them. Thousands of pets suffer from allergies, a disease in which your pet’s immune system reacts abnormally to everyday substances such as pollens, animal dander, mold spores, mites and certain foods.
If your dog or cat is itching, scratching, licking or chewing the skin, it might be because of allergies. Do you see redness of the belly, ears or an ear infection that won’t go away? It’s time for a check up to to see if your dog or cat may be suffering from allergies!
We now have allergy testing available by Heska labs to find out what your dog or cat is allergic to. With a simple blood test performed right in our hospital we can come up with a treatment solution to bring effective, long-term relief to your pet!
Pet allergies are not uncommon. There are new options that make it even easier on your pet! In addition to the traditional allergy shots, we also offer ALLERCEPT Therapy Drops which are a revolutionary way to provide effective treatment and relief from allergy symptoms.
Therapy Drops are in an easy-to-use pump that dispenses drops under a pets tongue twice a day at home. The bottle is designed to make administering the allergy drops very easy, and the taste of the solution appeals to pets! Refrigeration is not required making it easy to travel with your treatment set. This option is great for pet owners and pets that have an aversion to injections or pets that have failed injections.
Call today to schedule your appointment and start your suffering pet on the path to long-term relief!
International Health Certificates for Travel (USDA – APHIS Certified)