We believe that all pets need regular examinations. It is really important for your pet’s overall health because it allows veterinarians to do a thorough check up and evaluate your pet’s general condition. Because we do integrative medicine we completely evaluate your pet – including lifestyle, diet and environmental aspects.
During the examination, our doctors will check your pet from head to tail. We will recommend annual blood tests, urine and fecal testing to give us an accurate assessment of your pet’s vital organs and how they are functioning.
Pets age much faster then we do. A common adage is that pets age 7 years for every 1 year we age. That means that in 1 year your pet may have experienced changes that we would in 7 years. That is a reason to make sure your pet comes in for yearly checkups and labwork.
We recently have caught several pets who developed silent heart disease since their last visit. We were able to recommend diagnostics and supplements to help these pets live longer and prevent their heart disease from worsening. If their owners did not bring them in for their yearly checkups these pets may have only come in once their disease was to serious to treat.
To schedule your pet’s exam and health evaluation give us a call or click on our make an appointment link.